Google Meet

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Google’s Hangouts Meet is finally giving way to the more advanced version, Google Meet. For several years we have been using Google Meet as the preferred way of setting up telepsychiatry sessions at Gateway Psychiatric. There are two essential points to know. The information about how to join a Google Meet is to be found in the invitation to the …

Treatment resource index and toolbox

Treatment Resources Index

Peter ForsterAbout GPS, GPS Update Leave a Comment

This weekend we have done some hard work behind the scenes creating a better treatment resources index to allow clinicians and patients to quickly access information about the array of services, online applications, clinical tests, pharmacogenetics tests, online courses and online CBT therapies that are provided at Gateway Psychiatric. There are so many tools in our toolbox that it can …

Bipolar 101 An Online Course

Peter ForsterAbout GPS, Bipolar Treatment, GPS Update

Bipolar 101, an online course hosted by Gateway Psychiatric begins March 17, 2017: Bipolar 101 – The Basics and Beyond. The class is based on the acclaimed Barcelona Bipolar Disorders Program. Bipolar 101 – An online course will cover topics such as: It will be taught by Dr. Peter Forster and Gina Gregory, and will have an interactive format with plenty of …

Online Recovery Resources

Peter ForsterSelf Care

Accessing Online Recovery Resources from Afar Recently I had a patient relocate to Spain who had been in recovery from alcohol for one year. She was very concerned about leaving her recovery community and was surprised to learn that she could continue to access support online from afar. Initially she was skeptical about accessing support online. However, after trying out …