Simple Blood Test May Help Diagnose Bipolar Disorder

adminDiagnosis, Psychobiology, Testing Leave a Comment

Bipolar disorder is a mental health condition that causes extreme mood swings, from manic highs to depressive lows. It can be a difficult condition to diagnose, as the symptoms can overlap with other conditions, such as depression, anxiety, ADHD, etcetera. A new study from the University of Cambridge suggests that some day a blood test could help to diagnose bipolar …

Home Blood Draws

Peter ForsterAbout GPS, GPS Update, Physical Conditions and Health Leave a Comment

Would home blood draws (or office blood draws for that matter) be helpful? Obtaining routine blood work can be an essential part of your treatment if you have a mood disorder and are on medications as it is very important to know the levels in your blood reached by mood-stabilizing drugs. Finding time however to get your labs done can …

Another Blood Test for Depression

Peter ForsterDiagnosis, Major Depression, Testing

We ran across a recent article that promised a “blood test for depression” and thought how strange it was that this article was being republished in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry.  After all we wrote about a blood test for depression based on an article that appeared in translational psychiatry just a few months ago. Imagine my surprise when I …

Blood Test for Depression

Peter ForsterBasic Science, Diagnosis, Major Depression, Psychobiology, Testing, Treatments of Depression

How many times has a new patient in the clinic asked, “isn’t there a blood test for depression?” Always in the past we had to say that there were no reliable tests that could identify depression. There was some evidence that functional brain imaging could do so but the technique was expensive and experimental. In an article published in the …