Mood Disorders Clinic
The Gateway Psychiatric Mood Disorders Clinic provides specialty evaluation and treatment of adult patients with mood and anxiety disorders.
- Initial diagnostic interviews by clinical staff and an attending psychiatrist.
- Mood chart and treatment analysis using medical records and multiple informant life histories.
- Laboratory and imaging tests including genetic testing, EEG and MRI.
- Ancillary clinical testing including personality and neuro-cognitive testing.
- Psychopharmacologic therapies provided by clinicians specialized in the diagnosis and treatment of mood and anxiety disorders.
- Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) for people with mood disorders who have not responded to medication and therapy treatment.
- Ketamine Infusion Therapyfor treatment resistant unipolar and bipolar depression.
- Individual and group cognitive therapy, cognitive behavioral analysis system of psychotherapy (CBASP), mindfulness based cognitive therapy (MBCT), acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT)and dialectical behavior therapy (DBT).
- Specialized treatment programs for patients with bipolar disorder and chronic depression.
- Complementary therapies (yoga, nutritional supplements, dietary analysis, etcetera) that are evidence based.
- Treatment for people with substance use issues in addition to mood and anxiety disorders including motivational enhancement therapy, abstinence and harm reduction treatment.