Courses / Classes Offered at Gateway Psychiatric

Awakening to Mindfulness
Awakening to Mindfulness is based on the principles of Insight, or Mindfulness, meditation. Participants will learn the foundations of mindfulness, develop a meditation practice, and apply the many benefits of mindfulness to daily life. We will cover ways to work skillfully with thoughts, emotions, and sensations; and deepen our awareness of the ever-changing nature of present-moment experience. This series is designed for beginners but also suitable for those with experience who want to refine their practice. Classes include instruction, guided meditation practice, and discussion.

Heart Practices for Challenging Times
Heart practices are meditations and exercises that cultivate positive emotions like love, compassion, joy, and equanimity. They can help us stay calm, centered, and compassionate in difficult times.
Here are the four heart practices:
- Loving-kindness: Generate feelings of love and goodwill towards oneself and others.
- Compassion: Feel empathy and compassion for the suffering of others.
- Appreciative joy: Feel happiness and joy for the good fortune of others.
- Equanimity: Cultivate a balanced and impartial mind, even in the face of difficult circumstances.
Heart practices can be done in a variety of ways, including meditation, visualization, gentle touch, and acts of kindness.

Cognitive Behavioral Analysis System of Psychotherapy (CBASP) is an evidence based treatment for chronic depression.
CBASP is a short-term, structured psychotherapy that helps people with chronic depression improve their ability to regulate emotions and interact with others. It does this by helping clients identify and change negative thoughts and behaviors, and learn new skills for building and maintaining healthy relationships.
Here are the key points of CBASP:
- It is a short-term therapy, typically lasting 12-20 weeks.
- It is a structured therapy, with each session following a specific format.
- It focuses on helping people with chronic depression improve their ability to regulate emotions and interact with others.
- It has been shown to be an effective treatment for chronic depression.

Bipolar 101
Bipolar 101 is an online, six session group that covers topics such as general knowledge of the disorder, medications, substance use, early detection of episodes, healthy routines and stress, and other treatment options. Understanding the disorder in more detail can be hugely impactful in helping to manage symptoms. In addition to gaining more knowledge and specific tools, the group offers an opportunity to connect with others who might share similar experiences and learn directly from their wisdom in a safe, non-judgemental space. As we collectively work to push society into the next era where seeking mental health services is no longer stigmatized, groups such as this have the powerful impact of breaking down the walls of stigma that often leave those seeking treatment feeling isolated and/or broken.