I am very pleased to share an announcement for a conference for mental health professionals and psychiatrists sponsored by the Northern California Psychiatric Society . The topic is both an important one and one about which there is much confusion and strong conflicting opinions. I’m proud that our local district branch is not walking away from it but has arranged …
Parity Website
We ran across information about a new website that is drawing attention to the issue of mental health parity and that is dedicated to helping people get the behavioral health treatment they need – Paritytrack.org. The essence of the federal law that requires mental health parity in insurance coverage is not that mental health needs to have a certain level of …
Integrated Medical and Mental Health Care Works
Integrated medical and mental health care works. And this may be psychiatry’s moment to shine. That’s the suggestion made by an expert in the field of health management in a lecture that he gave at last week’s institute for Psychiatric Services Meeting in San Francisco. He cites increasing focus on managing people with chronic medical conditions and high cost — …
Prior Authorization Form – New Law in California
Prior authorization forms for medications, and the entire prior authorization process, can be a nightmare. In my experience, with at least one company, the rule seemed to be, if you filled out a form you were told that you needed to call to obtain the OK, and if you called you were told to fill out a form. It was …
Huge Victory on Mental Health Parity in California
On September 10th the California Supreme Court let stand a California Appeals Court decision that the California mental health parity law requires coverage of treatment that may have no equivalent in other medical specialties. Specifically, the Appeals Court held that Blue Shield of California must cover residential treatment for eating disorders. The Court noted that residential treatment was among the …
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