Bipolar 101

Bipolar 101 Group Fall 2017

Peter ForsterAbout GPS, Bipolar Treatment, GPS Update Leave a Comment

We are excited to announce a repeat of our very successful Bipolar 101 Group Fall 2017. Do you want to learn more about bipolar disorder and connect with others who may have experienced similar symptoms to you? Gateway Psychiatric we will be hosting an online psychoeducation group this fall beginning on September 8th for adults diagnosed with bipolar disorder. It will …

Lithium Mechanism of Action

Peter ForsterBasic Science, Bipolar Treatment, Psychobiology 2 Comments

Understanding the lithium mechanism of action may allow us to predict which bipolar patients will respond to the medication (and which will not) and may shape our understanding of the causes of bipolar disorder itself. Research at the University of California, San Diego could lead to just these kind of breakthroughs in the next few years. In the first of …

Ketamine for Depression – 2017

Peter ForsterBipolar Treatment, Major Depression, Treatments of Depression

I just got back from an inspiring conference in Berkeley on Ketamine for Depression. I am eager to implement some changes in how we work with people we refer or provide ketamine infusion for that may make the treatment more effective. The conference was organized by Alison McInnes, MD, MS, who is in charge of the Kaiser, San Francisco Ketamine Treatment Program, …

Bipolar 101 An Online Course

Peter ForsterAbout GPS, Bipolar Treatment, GPS Update

Bipolar 101, an online course hosted by Gateway Psychiatric begins March 17, 2017: Bipolar 101 – The Basics and Beyond. The class is based on the acclaimed Barcelona Bipolar Disorders Program. Bipolar 101 – An online course will cover topics such as: It will be taught by Dr. Peter Forster and Gina Gregory, and will have an interactive format with plenty of …

Long Acting Injectable Aripiprazole for Bipolar

Peter ForsterBipolar Treatment

Long acting injectable aripiprazole for bipolar one patients has been shown to significantly reduce the risk of a recurrence of a mood episode in a 52 week placebo controlled clinical trial. Poor adherence to treatment is a significant problem in patients with bipolar disorder, putting patients at increased risk of recurrence of mood episodes, hospitalization, and suicide. One other study …

Atypical Antipsychotics with Mood Stabilizers

Peter ForsterBest Practices, Bipolar Treatment

Many people with bipolar receive atypical antipsychotics with mood stabilizers. As in many areas of medicine, we have relatively little data about longer-term outcomes when people receive this combination. If an atypical antipsychotic is added to a mood stabilizer to control a manic episode, how long should that combination be prescribed? A recent study conducted by the Canadian Mood and …

UCSF Bipolar Education Group Starts Again

Peter ForsterBipolar Treatment, Self Care

Dr. Descartes Li, an expert in Bipolar Disorder at UCSF runs an excellent 8 session program for people with bipolar who are interested in learning more. Here is the latest information about the group which starts at the end of February. The UCSF bipolar psychoeducational group starts on February 27, 2017. It runs for 8 sessions, Mondays 12pm to 115pm. …

Pregnancy and Bipolar

Peter ForsterBipolar Treatment, Physical Conditions and Health

Pregnancy Outcomes in Women with Bipolar Disorder A recent review of the topic of bipolar and pregnancy from the MGH Center For Women’s Mental Health on November 14, 2016 sparked us to write this post. When talking with a bipolar woman contemplating pregnancy there are two considerations: what additional risks to the unborn child are created by taking psychiatric medication and what risks exist …