Psychiatrists and patients alike are hungry for new antidepressants. Few new medications have been developed in the last 10 years that are effective antidepressants, and those that have come to the market have all been variants of existing medications. The only really novel treatments for depression in the last 15 years in psychiatry are ketamine and TMS, both of which …
Pharmacy Apps
One of the most perplexing things about our healthcare system is how complicated it can make even simple tasks. This is particularly true when the issue involves sharing information among providers of care. Elsewhere we have talked about the “silo” problem and why it has motivated us to develop a clinic that tries to provide integrated care. Here I want …
“Are You Living a Life You Value?”
Sometimes our lives can become so full of the myriad items to manage and tend to that we lose track of what is most meaningful. Rarely do we afford ourselves the time to stop and ask, “How do I really want to be spending my time? What is it that I value?” The end-result of this way of functioning tends …
Crisis Resources in the Bay Area
Colleagues at UCSF shared this list of resources for people in a crisis in the Bay Area. We share this here in the hope that it can be helpful. Please let us know if there are corrections or updates… Alameda National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: Call 1-800-273-TALK Substance Use Treatment & Referral Helpline: 1-844-682-7215 Crisis Support Services Suicide Prevention: (800) 309-2131 …
Recognizing Depression – Nancy
Seems like everybody ought to be able to recognize depression, and that it’s so widespread that it can hardly be hidden, but the reality is that many people with major clinical depression are not diagnosed, or are given insufficient treatment to address the realities of their situation. Major depression is defined as an episode in which for at least two …
Exercise and Mental Health – A Therapist’s Guide
This is a great resource from Psychology Tools, with a huge amount of information about the use of exercise in treatment of mental illness, and a long bibliography of articles describing evidence related to the use of exercise, impact of physical exercise on mental health, ways of encouraging clients to exercise, and biological, psychological and social mechanisms by which exercise …
How Long Does It Take to Get Well with TMS
The most common question that people ask when they start TMS is how long it will take to get well with TMS. A recent article published in the American Journal of Psychiatry looked at the results from a six week study designed to compare theta burst and regular TMS in order to assess patterns of response over time. The authors …
Treatment Resistant Depression – More Clues to Predicting Response – VAST-D
Clues that can help us provide more effective care for those with treatment resistant depression are urgently needed. Sidney Zisook and colleagues report an analysis of the data from a large study of veterans with chronic depression (VAST-D) and conclude that two clinical features can help predict likely response to medications changes for some patients who have failed at least …
Ketamine Short Term Treatment Strategies
What are the best strategies for using ketamine to treat major depression in the short term? Although we know that ketamine (and, now, esketamine) can be helpful we really don’t know that much about what strategy works best. The most commonly used ketamine infusion protocol is adapted from studies using ketamine to treat chronic pain. An article in the March …
Gateway Welcomes New Therapist: Alana Kivowitz, LCSW
We are highly enthusiastic about our new therapist and case manager, Alana Kivowitz, LCSW joining Gateway’s team just before the new year. Alana is a San Francisco native who is returning after completing her master’s degree in social work at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, where she remained for a number of years working with adults and adolescents in …