Functional Brain Imaging in Depression

Peter ForsterBasic Science, Best Practices, Major Depression, Psychobiology, Testing, Treatments of Depression

Is there a role for functional brain imaging in depression? Many people seeking treatment are interested in the notion that the brain imaging, particularly imaging that looks at neural activity, might be useful in guiding treatment. Up until the last couple of years the answer to this question has always been that the role is primarily restricted to research settings …

psychosis risk prediction

Psychosis Risk Prediction

Peter ForsterBest Practices, Diagnosis, Other Psychiatric Disorders Leave a Comment

Accurate psychosis risk prediction might allow us to provide early intervention and prevention services to young people at risk of developing psychosis. However our current tools for identifying those at risk are not able to accurately predict and identify those who might benefit from these services. A major step forward was the development of the concept of an At Risk …

ADHD Medication Reduces Accidents

Peter ForsterOther Psychiatric Disorders, Physical Conditions and Health

ADHD medication reduces accidents significantly according to a study in JAMA Psychiatry. Chang and colleagues analyzed data in the Truven Health Analytics MarketScan Commercial Claims and Encounters database to identify people aged 18 and older who had received an ADHD diagnosis or ADHD medication between January 2005 and the end of December 2014. The researchers compared the number of emergency department visits …

Website Mobile Enhancements

Peter ForsterAbout GPS, Website Update

Website Mobile Enhancements Over the last couple of years the proportion of our website visitors who are viewing the site on mobile devices has skyrocketed. Although the site was designed to be mobile friendly there are part submit that clearly need additional work. Several behind the scenes changes on this website may make it a little bit easier for you …

Rising Estrogen Levels Trigger Premenstrual Dysphoria

Peter ForsterGPS

New research suggests that rising estrogen and progesterone levels trigger premenstrual dysphoria symptoms. “Although the mechanisms underlying the mood-destabilizing effects of ovarian steroids in PMDD remain to be better characterized, as does the source of susceptibility to this trigger, our findings provide a new target for interventions,” Peter Schmidt, M.D., chief of the Section on Behavioral Endocrinology at the National …

Ketamine for Depression – 2017

Peter ForsterBipolar Treatment, Major Depression, Treatments of Depression

I just got back from an inspiring conference in Berkeley on Ketamine for Depression. I am eager to implement some changes in how we work with people we refer or provide ketamine infusion for that may make the treatment more effective. The conference was organized by Alison McInnes, MD, MS, who is in charge of the Kaiser, San Francisco Ketamine Treatment Program, …

Maternal SSRI Use and Autism

Peter ForsterPhysical Conditions and Health, Treatments of Depression

The CBS Evening News (4/18, story 9, 1:15, Pelley) reported, “Studies have shown that pregnant women who take antidepressants are more likely to have children with autism.” Newly published studies examine whether the medication is causing this. TIME (4/18, Park) reports that in two studies, investigators “found that other factors, including genes linked to mental illness, may be more strongly …

Delayed Circadian Rhythms

Peter ForsterInsomnia, Insomnia Treatment, Psychobiology

Delayed circadian rhythms occur in a condition known as delayed sleep-wake phase disorder (DSWPD). This condition needs to be distinguished from disrupted circadian rhythms, a condition in which there are no strong circadian rhythms and therefore it’s hard for people to fall asleep, and when they do fall asleep they tend to have fragmented or light sleep. People with delayed …